Teddies Worldwide

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

New Bears on Bearpile

Well, Autumn seems to be upon us here at last... some cooler days and chilly nights.... soon no doubt we will be wishing Spring was here!:) But this is a good time for Bearmaking... which is just as well because there is lots of work ahead for all those shows!
I've just spent some time this afternoon uploading some new faces onto my Bearpile page, if you'd like to take a look the link is just over on the right there--->
Hope you enjoy taking a look!


Sarah Medina said...

hehe, not me, I love the cold :) Gorgeous pair of bears Karen, so very, very pretty!!

Heather said...

Cute stuff... they look like such a tea party pair :)

Alba Linea said...

oooh my goddness! what cute little treasures! they are all sooo lovely and i will come back soon! best wishes and big bear hugs!

Irina said...

Such wonderful.

Rose M. Rodriguez said...

Hi Karen, that your beautiful bears! they look so delicate! your work is very good, greetings Rose marie

Esther Bears said...

Thanks Karen for this sweet pair of sisters. They are super goregous (*^^*) Love them.

Esther Bears said...

Thanks Karen for this pair of sweet sisters. They are goregous and I love them to bits. (*^^*)