... except for the Chinese hackers! My apologies to anyone who was spammed inadvertently by me this week- Someone in China hacked into my gmail account and sent out spam to absolutely everyone in my address book... soooo embarassing! I am always so careful but I guess they are just such sneaky so-and-so's! Google even kindly showed me a log of the IPs of who had logged into my account!
So instead of finalising my Teddies Worldwide show page today, I spent most of the day making sure my laptop was virus/trojan free and changing passwords. Not fun!
Don't forget everyone, that the Teddies Worldwide Holiday Bear show starts tonight at 1am Sydney (Australia) time- which also happens to be 9am Saturday New York time, or 2pm London time.... if you're not in any of those places, I will leave it to you to figure the rest out:) I hope you stop by and take a peek at the bears, 75 wonderful artists are contributing, so there's sure to be something to catch your fancy... http://www.teddiesworldwide.com or follow the link on the top right hand side...
I'll leave you with a full view of little Daisy who is also attending the show dressed in her "Australian Summer Christmas Day best":) ... I hope you stop by my page and visit the other 5 bears I have for sale.