I've been reminded this evening that I haven't written a blog post in quite a while.. So here we go!:) Another show is looming- this time nice and close to home.. The Melbourne Teddybear Fair, May 1st in Berwick.
Of course, it's a mad rush to get new pieces done for the big day- if I ever said it wasn't a mad rush who would believe me? Everyone knows me better than that!
I've been working on new 4-piece head designs, which I'm finding lots of fun. While they are simpler to sew without a head gusset, they require a bit of extra care in stuffing to get the just-right look to the little nose. I'm enjoying the new shape and having fun experimenting with them.
In the photo is two of my newer designs, Zinnia the Zebra, and Geranium the Giraffe. They will be coming along to the fair.. I hope you will be too! See you there....